Seasons are a part of life. It marks the beginning and the end of a period of time. It is important to accept where God places you and make the most out of it because truth to be told there's so much you can gain and so much you can miss out. Each season has its lessons and joys, and each has its challenges.
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Lately, God has been changing my perspective and transforming my heart. This change followed when I committed to live purposely for Him. I have for quite a long time held on to God's promise of living life to the full (John 10:10) but looking back I had a wrong premise for it. I thought that it was just being in faith, claiming the promise and waiting for God to bless me. I would grumble, be complacent and convince myself that my time hasn't come yet. I was afraid of taking risks or pursuing things in fear of missing out on the right ones. In His faithfulness, God showed me that living to the full is about living the purpose He set before me whatever season I was in. It was balancing faith and actions and giving my very best.
I remember my prayer:
I'm going all out. I'm going to give my best to You and the people you bring in my life.
My doubts:
but Lord, what about me? What about my dreams and desires?
His assurance:
Trust me with your heart. It's time to grow up, but you will always be my child.
With that I knew that it was time to step out in faith and step up in His purposes for me. Yes, it is for most part inconvenient and requires a lot of discipline. However, I can just see how God has been continually expanding every area of my life. He also brought great friends who encourage and pray for me. He's given me a confidence that I've never had before. I really feel His grace at work in me. I feel as if I've just started really living. The amazing thing was that God in His sovereignty used the times and opportunity that may seem like I wasted as elements to where I am now. I still have moments where I am shaken, where I want to give up, where I just want to let idleness get the best out of me, where I just want to do what is comfortable, where I would rather escape what's set before me. But I remind myself (and my friends remind me) that I'm meant to live not merely exist.
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