Monday, October 22, 2012

3 Simple Power Uppers

Whether you're a single mom like me taking care of what seems like an army of kids at times, or any mom for that matter, or a student with never ending homework, or a businesswoman beating deadlines and meeting people, or an athlete preparing for a competition, we all need a lot of energy to do everything we have and want to do. We need to fill ourselves with something to help power us through the day - because people need us to step up, particularly, in my case, my kids need me.

Here are 5 simple things to help you power-up to step-up.

Drink: get a lot of water.
This has always been my problem even as a young girl, I just never drank enough. Staying hydrated is important to staying healthy and energetic. Web MD writes:

"Your body is composed of about 60% water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature."

 And here's even better news:

"What works with weight loss is if you choose water or a non-caloric beverage over a caloric beverage and/or eat a diet higher in water-rich foods that are healthier, more filling, and help you trim calorie intake," says Penn State researcher Barbara Rolls, PhD, author of The Volumetrics Weight Control Plan."

I also read somewhere that drinking water is an effective antidote to feelings of fatigue or confusion. These may be signs that you are dehydrated. Uh-oh!!

Who knew water could do all of that? Health, energy, and weight loss!

Now my aim is to drink 8 glasses, or 2 liters of water a day. Sounds difficult for a non-drinker like me, right? The trick is to break the quantity down so I drink 1/2 glass every 30 minutes, or 1/4 glass every 15 minutes.

Natural Fruit Juices: easy-to-make supercharged smoothies

Fight your next low-energy slump by trying one of these easy-to-make supercharged juices and smoothies. Consume foods rich in potassium, like oranges, bananas and apricots, to replenish your energy if you've been very active. These can even be taken before or after your workout.

WAKE-UP CALL: packed with energy-giving B vitamins

Blend 1 cup rice/soy milk, 1 banana, 4 dried apricots, 1 Tbsp. flaxseed, 1 tsp. honey and a sprinkle of nutmeg until smooth.

BERRY BUZZ: a burst of Vitamin C

Blend strawberries and blueberries, then add cranberry juice and a squeeze of lime.

You can also put them into popsicles for your kids to enjoy. Just put the smoothies on a popsicle maker. If you don't have one, you can use a cup and stick a popsicle stick in the middle.

Rest: get enough sleep.
Another "yikes" for me here. I always feel like there's not enough hours in the day. It's important for your health to have a sound sleep every night. Many people, like me, take it for granted and I notice that as I age (double yikes!) I find it increasingly difficult to achieve a good night's sleep.

Here are some tips for bedtime bliss:

1. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time -- or within an hour of your usual time.
2. Caffeine is a stimulant that is found in coffee, chocolate (boohoo!), and tea (double boohoo!) Avoid these for several hours before bedtime. Experiment to see what suits you and your body: some people find caffeine consumed any time after 10 am is enough to prevent them from sleeping.

3. Regular exercise should guarantee a good night's sleep, but try to complete your workout at least 2 hours before going to bed.

4. Establish a calming bedtime ritual, such as a soak in a warm bath. Add a few drops of relaxing lavender essential oil.

5. Use your bedroom only for sleeping. Set aside another time and place for planning, thinking and worrying so you are less likely to toss and turn at night.

I notice when I zoom in on these things: enough water, natural juices, and adequate exercise I don't get lethargic throughout the day. Since I need all the energy I can get with all the things I'm juggling everyday, I focus on the things that are readily available to me.

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